sábado, 4 de diciembre de 2010

Transformers: Darkness off the description off the grounds off the side off the moon mystery

The bath gropes OF Italy site announced what CAN fuel element A description transformers: Darkness you low OF PAGE OF moon enigma which beginning the NEXT week with The Chronicles de Narnia: Travel OF the Treader paddle. The centers you low OF PAGE is on the moon 1969 landing when more which found indicated more outer public then. Note is the bottom OF of serum PAGE in 3D for those which go ton the siftings OF Narnia 3D. Thank you in Andrea for the translation and you bond. “Transformer: Darkness OF the moon, the enigma, the cheek on of theories OF conspiracy related ton the moon landing. The roofridge portion you film off alternates the image OF the control room tons of NASA and the astronaut on the moon. Is the landing what incoming goods know wave, just as the famous sayings more outer prone “you giant jump for humanity.” Corn incoming goods DO emergency have CSU what is the voyage off the astronaut you side IN black OF the moon, until the room control DO emergency ! state ton them that “… then incoming goods of acres emergency alone.” Then incoming goods lake some transformers: the camera comes CLOSE ton the eye OF the one OF them, which starts with more tons more flicker. Corn the camera does emergency stop US, and of takes inside you robot and its mechanisms, making US and-arose that it returns into the action. Difficult ton include/understand the effectiveness OF 3D in this film, any true action. The quietly idea is wave armed, hope US that the film is maintained with… “ 
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