viernes, 20 de agosto de 2010

Is A CONTINUATION more outer âmore sweaterâ inches of on the way?

Although Doug Liman's 2008 film "Jumper" wasn't embraced by all audience members and critics alike, that didn't stop it from making a nice chunk of money. Of course, there's always talk of the possible sequel, but it's been a while and things have been silent on it. During the premiere of "Takers", Hayden Christensen finally speaks up about "Jumper 2" and whether or not it's going to happen. "We're talking about it right now actually," he said. Where could the story go? "Hopefully somewhere a little darker. I think there's a lot you can do with it. It was sort of set up in a way it's gonna be mother hunting son and possibly even maybe sister hunting brother. We're talking about it, trying to figure it out."They could also do something else like, I don't know, include Diane Lane in the story line for more than just a few minutes. I understand why they did that but if they do go through with it,! but they could probably use her more in the sequel. Then again, what am I saying? I'm not too fond of "Jumper" to begin with.What about you guys, do you want to see a "Jumper 2"?Source: MTV Movies Blog

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