martes, 8 de junio de 2010

/Film Boston - q&a Splissung with director Vincenzo Natali


Lots of cool film-related stuff happens in Boston, Massachusetts and not that many people are here to document it, preserve it and spread the word about it. Special screenings, Q&As, panel discussions â€" we have them all, and frequently too. /Film Boston aims to be a bi-weekly column that will bring you audio and video content from film-related events around the Boston area. If you don’t live in Boston, I hope that this column will give you a window into some of the cool stuff that happens here regularly. If you do live here, hopefully you’ll come here to get the heads-up on what’s been going on, and what is to come. I’m in LA for the week, so this will be a super-abbreviated version of /Film Boston. /Film Boston should resume as usual in a couple of weeks. After the jump, see a spoiler-filled Q&A with director Vincenzo Natali following a Splice screening that took place in Boston. ! As usual, you can find past columns by going to

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