sábado, 12 de junio de 2010

Poster off has finally characters for the apprentice off the Hexers. Who could it fuel element?

It's the final day of Disney's character poster rollout for The Sorcerer's Apprentice! Yesterday we got a look at The Apprentice. The day before that, the ultra hot Sorceress. And we've already seen 'The Villain'. The first day was 'The Wizard'. Now Disney saved the best for last.BALTHAZAR BLAKE “The Sorcerer” (Nicolas Cage) is a student of Merlin and a Sorcerer. More than 1,000 years old, Balthazar has been searching the globe until he finds the Prime Merlinean, the descendent of Merlin and inheritor of his great powers. When Balthazar finally discovers him in 10-year-old Dave Stutler, he finds himself with a very reluctant sorcerer’s apprentice. That's right, it's Nic Cage himself in all his Sorcerer glory!Check out the character poster below. SORC_BHS_SORCERERSource: Disney

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