sábado, 11 de septiembre de 2010

Overdosing off âlegacies off totally Tron âoff the NUMBERs with new poster off Quorra

Okay, so you might be going on a bit of a "Tron Legacy" overload, but you know you like it. It's Disney being all super sleek, cool and stuff with all of their advertisements. This one I'm sure will revs some guys' engines here with three new posters of Olivia Wilde as Quorra from head to toe. Hmm, do I see a possible new Halloween costume on the horizon (possibly for me)? I think so.As you all know, "Tron Legacy" follows Sam Flynn (Garrett Hedlund) as he jumps head-first into the virtual world as he goes on a search with Quorra (Wilde) for his father Kevin Flynn (Jeff Bridges). The rest of the cast includes Bruce Boxleitner, Beau Garrett and Michael Sheen.Just to ram it through your guys' craniums some more, "Tron Legacy" blasts into theaters and IMAX 3D on December 17th.kinogallery.com_tron2_pos!  ter_35kinogallery.com_tron2_poster_36kinogallery.com_tron2_poster_37Source: Kino Gallery

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