lunes, 20 de septiembre de 2010

Social furnace new marks off the Net TV. There just now, FURNACE!

My grandfather, George "El Grandpa" Roush is going to be subbing in for me today. He was going off during football and I figured this would be a good place for him to vent cause I'm tired of listening to his crap.Dear morons,Oooh, so now you're all fancy huh movie studios? I remember back in my day when there was only a crappy movie poster to promote your silly moving pictures! Now you've got TV spots. Ooh, TV spots. Well, laa-dee-fuckin-da movie studios. Now I have to watch a bunch of different trailers and TV spots and clips and whatever else you put on TV. Why not just show me half the movie, huh? HUH? It's bad enough my idiot grandson El Guapo is sitting here commenting on football like he's god damn John Madden or somethin'. If this shit for brains had knowledge of football he'd be working in the NFL instead of writing little faerie articles on the internet. I'm surprised that sissy ! can even concentrate on football with his panties always bothering him. Anyways, back to these damn TV spots for this Facebook movie. Ya, I know what Facebook is. I also know how to use a computer and a keyboard too. You think cause I'm old I don't know how to use shit? You little morons walk around with your girlfriends like you're the cock of the walk. A man like me would have her screaming six ways till Sunday while you're busy knocking yourselves in the cocker with your fruity little Wii remotes. Yes,I know what a Wii is too. Whenever I come visit I always see the grandkids swinging the shit around like there's a mosquito infestation in the house. You look like morons, you know that don't ya? Dumbasses.Anyway, here's a look at those four TV spots for this new movie called The Social Network about some online tree humpers who make a website where people say hello to each other online. Jesus Christ, you silly bastards are that lazy now you can't go outside and say hello t! o girls? No wonder this country has gone to hell in a hand gre! nade.Hav e fun watching, you little butthairs.-El Grandpa Source:

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