domingo, 24 de octubre de 2010

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Looks like Marvel can’t find the “Runaways.”

With the aggressive push of comics to films, Marvel has halted the “Runaways” project due to having “too much going on at the moment,” according to Deadline.

This would be a live action adaptation of the comic created by “Lost” writer Brian K. Vaughan. It is about a youth-oriented group of superheroes, who fought against their parents after discovering they are part of a super-criminal organization called, “Pride.”

Director Peter Sollett (Nick and Nora’s Inifinite Playlist) is still attached to the project, but was suggested to take on other projects in the meantime.

Gig Patta’s Take: This project actually sounded like it would be a great comic on the big screen. Marvel is working on too many projects at the moment, so I think it’s better to slow down a bit to make better quality movies.

What do you think about “Runaways” being shelved for the moment?

Source: Deadline

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