jueves, 14 de octubre de 2010

With your again adjusted PEAK Conan

Bleeding Cool got their hands on a bunch of new set pics from parts unknown from the upcoming Tarzan (sorry, I keep doing that) Conan movie. The set pics are actually pretty cool and gives us a better look at the scope of the movie. Not really digging the pit filled with skeletons. One would think they'd do some quality control and clean up a bit down there before bringing in new guys to hang. Bleeding Cool also mentioned that the film is currently being upconverted to 3D which means we are about to watch a god damn barbarian movie while wearing 3D flippin' glasses. You have got to be kidding me. Why in the name of a bean burrito would you make me watch a barbarian movie in 3D? I don't want to watch a barbarian movie in 3D. You know what Lionsgate? Crom pities you.Click on any of the pics to see the rest, and yes, there are quite a few more to check out. Is that Red Sonja in the first pic?! Hmmm....naw. Looks more like I'd Bonya! HEY-O!!! conanset4 conanset1 conanset2conanset3 A barbarian joke a day when you 1george_twitter 1george_formspring1 Source: Bleeding Cool

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