sábado, 16 de octubre de 2010

Serrate Snyder indicates the film off Superman, in order ton concentrate one has beginning

My French is kind of rusty, but director Zack Snyder was overseas in France promoting “Legend of the Guardians: the Owls of Ga’Hoole.”

A French journalist, via web site filmsactu.com, asked a short question about the adaptation of the new “Superman” movie.

Here is the rough translation through Google translator of what Snyder said:

“I have not really had time to work on the project. When I finish promoting Ga’Hoole, I could really harness myself. As I have already explained, the film will focus on the early days of Superman, so there will be no links with other films. This is not a remake then. Similarly, although I still cannot talk about the scriptâ€"I can assure you that this new Superman will not be based on a comic book in particular.”

This statement officially nixed the rumor that the film was based on the comic book saga “Superman: Birthright,” written by Mark Waid.

And now we’re back to speculating again. Does this mean Brandon Routh is out and Tom Welling is in?

Source: filmsactu.com

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