sábado, 30 de octubre de 2010

Roland Emmerich orders tons destroy the earth with the foreign invasion film

Obviously, Roland Emmerich doesn’t like Earth.

He destroyed Earth with “Indpendence Day,” “The Day After Tomorrow,” and “2012.” To nobody's surprise, he wants to do it again.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Emmerich is going to shoot “The Zone,” which was described as an alien invasion film with a cast of relative unknowns. The film will be similar to many “found footage” genre, which is based on film found on a person operating the camera expires. It would be similar to recent movies like “Cloverfield,” “Paranormal Activity” and “The Last Exorcism.”

Two leads were already casted, which one is a haggard journalist in his 40s and the other is a black cameraman in his 20s.

However, for this film, Emmerich will only work with a $5 million budget, which will be very similar to the upcoming alien movie “Skyline” directed by Colin Strause and Greg Strause.

Gig Patta’s Take: Ho-hum. It’ll probably be the same old story. A lot of people die. A few people fight for survival. And the dog survives. Only thing worth noting is this film would be the first Emmerich movie that will be budgeted less than $100 million since “Stargate.”

What do you think about Roland Emmerich’s new project?

Source: The Hollywood Reporter

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