sábado, 15 de mayo de 2010

Ton of places whole off David Fincher 20.000 leagues more under the sea

Looks like "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" is back on track after McG withdrew from directing the project. The picture was tentatively scheduled to begin production back in February, but was halted indefinitely, until NOW.According to Heat Vision, Disney is in negotiations with David Fincher to direct a new take on the classic Jules Verne story.Here is what the trade has to say: The project came together after Fincher approached Disney's new production head Sean Bailey a few weeks into his job this winter. The Oscar-nominated helmer wanted to tackle a four-quadrant tentpole movie, somewhat of a departure from the dark, R-rated dramas such as "Fight Club" and "Zodiac" (or even "Curious Case of Benjamin Button") that he's done in the past.The project was being developed under the radar as Bailey settled into his position under new studio topper Rich Ross, then gained steam in the past few days with Fincher and Burns entering talks for deals.It's not surprising that Disney would revisit "Leagues." Ross has said his mandate is to make wide-appeal, pre-branded entertainment. And while plotlines are being kept submerged, the Fincher/Burns take on the material is described as being in the vein of "Star Wars" or "The Empire Strikes Back." It will aim to be visually dazzling. Burns, who penned Steven Soderbergh's latest "Contagion" as well as "The Informant!! ," will begin writing immediately. That should give Fincher, who is in post on "The Social Network" for Sony, time to direct another movie (possibly "The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo," also for Sony, but his name has surfaced in connection with a host of projects) before jumping into "Leagues." "Bourne Ultimatum" screenwriter Scott Z. Burns is set to pen the script.Source: Heat Vision

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