sábado, 1 de enero de 2011

The majority off the Melissa off seven liked film off 2010

Look everyone, it's the end of the year! Yes, it's gone by incredibly fast, at least for some people including myself. What better way to end the year than by doing the stereotypical blogger thing and list the top films that I love so much I want to cuddle up with until I pass out.This year in film has been quiet a strange one. Then again what year hasn't brought you a bunch of strange romantic comedies, flop blockbusters and Oscar worthy pictures? So let's stop chit-chatting and go down the list of my top seven of the year. Why seven? Because it's more fun that way.The Top Pictures Of '10 #1 - "Black Swan"blackswanIf you made your way over to the review section of the site, you've already read how much I absolutely adore "Black Swan." Darren Aronofsky is one of those directors whose head! I'd want to crawl into just to see how it ticks. The film is absolutely beautiful, creepy and just flat out great at the same time. If Natalie Portman doesn't at least get nominated at this year's Academy Awards for Best Actress then I'll probably curse at the television when the awards go on.#2 - "Blue Valentine"blue-valentine-Ryan-Gosling-and-Michelle-WilliamsDerek Cianfrance hits it out of the park with "Blue Valentine," a heart-wrenching romantic drama about the past and present relationship between Dean (Ryan Gosling) and Cindy (Michelle Williams). If you haven't seen this yet, be sure to bring a box of Kleenex with you because it's pretty intense. It may make me cry, but man is it great.#3 - "Easy A"728_easy-a"Easy A" is a cut! e and delightful film that basically is the Emma Stone show. D! on't get me wrong, a lot of the supporting cast is great too, but you can't help but fall for Stone's charm. Then again, why would you resist? She's one of the better actresses of my age group that everyone should keep their eye on. The most surprising thing is how every other person is suddenly discovering "Easy A" right now. Go on, rent and or buy the DVD, it's worth whatever it costs.#4 - "The King's Speech"the-kings-speechOh Colin Firth, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I absolutely adore his acting so you bet your butt I was in a theater seat as soon as Tom Hooper's "The King's Speech" was released in theaters. The way him and Geoffrey Rush work together on screen is just wonderful. And the way "King's Speech" is shot is so subtle but great, awesome work there Hooper.#5 - "Tangled"2!  19_16_51_7_x101This is another film that left me smiling once the closing credits started to roll. How could it not? "Tangled" is a completely adorable film that brings you back into the comfortable chair of great Disney princess films. The tunes aren't as catchy as previous princess films, but the comedy and heart is all there. By the way, if you're going to watch it anytime soon, I don't recommend seeing it in 3D.#6 - "The Social Network"2010_the_social_network_0191Once I finished watching "The Social Network" for the first time I felt like I had to print out previous articles I wrote on another site and eat those words. Believe me, when I first heard that David Fincher was going ahead with a film about the founders of Facebook, I was laughing. Jesse Eisenberg is just awesome, snapping everyone in half verbally and Armie Ham! mer is someone I never want to mess with. This film certainly ! goes int o the bundle of Fincher features that you keep on watching until the end no matter what part it's on.#7 - "Scott Pilgrim vs the World"scott_pilgrim_vs_the_world_01-535x294-454x249Last but not least is the comic book adapted movie "Scott Pilgrim vs the World." All right, so not everyone liked the new Edgar Wright film, but I certainly did. He made what is quickly turning into a cult classic, and boy is it filled with geeky goodness. It's fast paced, action-packed and just chock full of awesome.Well that's it for the list, but I hope the rest of you have a very Happy New Year. Come on Hollywood, bring on some 2011 films!Source: Latino Review

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