miércoles, 17 de noviembre de 2010

Ginger thought one the talks volume your Hoheitseitenboden

Since I'm only doing a couple of stories a day for Latinoreview I'm gonna make 'em count. And by make 'em count, I mean I'm gonna do ones that I think you guys will enjoy reading. We all saw the red band trailer for Your Highness that was posted mere hours ago. The raunchy, profanity filled trailer looks to be the type of movie that caters to guys like me. Guys who love dirty jokes, swearing and Natalie Portman's ass.But what about the other type of guy? The guy who doesn't think like I do? The guy who looks like someone you would avoid everyday at school because you're afraid he's going to knock you out and transfer his soul into your body ever since that fucking Andy kid got away from him? What would he think about it?What he hate it? Would he love it? Let's find out.Here is one man's perspective on the Your Highness trailer. And why you should be watching it instead of the Green ! Lantern one. (Note the masterful editing.)

All hail our ginger overlords.

Your soul is mine if you 1george_twitter 1george_formspring1

Source: El Guapo's tiny brain

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