domingo, 6 de junio de 2010

Left fixed transformers

Scourge (aka Nemesis Prime) Custom FigureClick above to view more images of fan creation Scourge created by Toyphilia. The base figure is Leader class Optimus Prime but with a new darker paint job, lightning decals, and a tanker trailer. The result is a very sweet looking figure. I especially dig the lightning decals that a real improvement over the flames that Prime normally has.Hyper Hobby July ScansClick the link to Japan's Hyper Hobby Magazine for July. The issue covers many of the upcoming Transformers being released in Japan including many of their exclusives like MP-04S Masterpiece Prime Sleep Mode, Transformers: Animated, Unicron, and more.Transformers Scout Class GalleryClick the link to view the next wave of Tran! sformers (movie style) Scout class toys that will be hitting stores soon. It includes Warpath, Storm Surge and Crosshairs. I was less than impressed but maybe you will like what is coming.Botcon 2010 Promo Video w/ CGI G1 CharactersCommercial for Botcon that will be held at Walt Disney World in Florida from June 24th to June 27th. What makes the commercial pretty sweet is the use of multiple classic Generation One Transformers in CGI including Optimus Prime, Megatron, and Starscream. The video is from Things You Should Know About Transformers: War for CybertronA video from that summarizes the basics of the upcoming game including characters, storyline and other potential spoilers.G1 Rumble/Frenzy Update Set VideoFrom CrazyDevy are add-ons for the G1 cassette Rumble and Frenzy that results in a more cartoon accurate robot mode with new head, guns and pile drivers. If interested, the set costs $30 and supposed to be out soon and ! and other online stores. Over all an impressive & creative set! that ta kes subpar figures and turns them into something better. Not sure if worth the cost however.Transformers: Generations Thrust Video ReviewA look at the upcoming toy that might be on toy stores now. The toy is based on the Transformers: Classics Starscream mold but some modifications to wings and head to make it distinctly Thrust.
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