miércoles, 1 de diciembre de 2010

The transformers initiate, in order ton turn in February

New one transformers: The principal advertising film which aired with A repetition OF episode 1 finally explains why the stroke did emergency provide the regular section OF time for the series OF cartoon. IT of proves simply does emergency have one. Once the five initially episodes OF the arc OF rise OF history OF “darkness OF opening” airs this week, the series goes on the hiatus until ton more February 2011. The very odd decision OF establishment you programs for more tons of air five episodes inside A week WAIT two months for more then tons of air which dash that it mini of series that it more counterpart of more never does emergency import could have produced. IN this moment I give UP on more ton try more tons appear outside until is the confidence OF brain OF establishment you programs OF stroke. (via TFW2005 Soundwave9)
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