martes, 19 de octubre de 2010

Remake off eyes ârocky picture exhibition fright âwith creator Ryan Murphy off the joy

Next week “Glee” will air its own version of “Rocky Horror Picture Show” on Fox, but the show’s creator is rumored to possibly to create an updated version of the movie itself.

According to Deadline, Ryan Murphy has met with Fox 2000 for a remake of the 1975 movie originally starring Tim Curry, Susan Sarandon and Barry Bostwick. Fox 2000 might be asking Murphy to direct the new film, but there is no commitment by Murphy at this time.

Murphy directed some well known Glee episodes including “The Power of Madonna” and “Britney/Brittany.” He was also a director for full-length feature films like “Running With Scissors” and “Eat Pray Love.”

Gig Patta’s Take: The original cult movie still is popular to sell-out crowds of midnight showings in October every year. Please don’t mess with the original in this case since there is no need for a remake.

Should they remake the “Rocky Horror Picture Show?”

Source: Deadline

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