jueves, 7 de octubre de 2010

Sources this empeste out - Mike Myers, around the voice from Pepe to Pew centre

Pepe Le Pew, the horniest skunk to have ever been in a cartoon (not too sure how many cartoon there are so this claim may be false) has always been looking for love in the wrong places. For one thing, he's pretty le stupid and never realizes he's been hitting on a cat all these years. I've tried some of Pepe's techniques on girls and my numerous broken noses can verify that these do not work.Warner Brothers has been slowly re-introducing their Looney Tunes characters to a new generation of kids through their new CGI shorts in front of such movies as Cats & Dogs 2 and The Legend of the Guardians. Now it looks as if they plan on taking some characters back into the live-action arena.Here's more from NYmag.com:

Mike Myers used to joke that donning the 80 pounds of faux-latex blubber to play Fat Bastard in Austin Powers caused him to sweat so much that "by the end of the day, I was Pepé Le Pew." Vulture has learned that Warner Bros. Pictures is now developing a live-action/CGI movie on the lovelorn French skunk and Myers is attached to voice the lead role.

The decision to reinvigorate the Looney Tunes cast of characters â€" which includes fading American icons like Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, and Porky Pig â€" is a high priority for Warner Bros., for while they still throw off a billion dollars in licensing revenue annually, that’s barely a fifth of what Disney makes every year from licensing better-known characters like Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck.

Created in 1945, Pepé Le Pew starred in over a dozen animated short films for Warner Bros., and one of them, Chuck Jones’s For Scent-imental Reasons, even won the Oscar for Best Animated Short Subject (Cartoons) in 1949.

Click HERE to read the rest.I'll let you voice your own opinion in the comments below. After you watch this classic Pepe cartoon, of course.

Source: NY Mag

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