jueves, 10 de febrero de 2011

The Smith pasture wants Brad Pitt into the Remake off Annie off `; Higher choice off Ryan Murphy off the joy which edge fuel element directed

It could happen. Not really.

Access Hollywood asked 10-year-old actress Willow Smith on who should play Oliver “Daddy” Warbucks in the “Annie” remake.

“Brad Pitt!” she answered during the “Never Say Never” premier this week.

Why can’t Will Smith play her daddy?

And here is more “Annie” news.

“Glee” creator Ryan Murphy has emerged as Sony Pictures’ top contender to direct the “Annie” remake, according to Deadline.

Deadline wrote that “Murphy’s ‘Glee’ success has turned him into a go-to guy on studio musicals, as he’s been courted by Fox for a ‘Rocky Horror Picture Show’ remake, as well as to possibly turn the Broadway stage hit ‘Wicked’ into a film at Universal.”

The film will be produced by her father Will Smith and rapper Jay-Z.

Source: Access Hollywood/Deadline

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