viernes, 11 de marzo de 2011

8.9 the earthquake with tsunami Japan meets

ONE RK the time 2:46 TOKEN ENTRY Japan (5: 46AMzeit UTC/GMC gold is PUTs from the 12:46 TONS of off) year earthquake 8.9 sizes 231 miles except coast off north Japan. One reported, more over that tsunami, who results into from the fact it is thus high like 33 foot off the more upper flocks, yew they acres pushed the coast off Japan, the important ramming and unknown accidents caused. The seismic to who wants fuel element felt into the country, while the of EFF place off freeing begin. The earthquake is the fifth - which largest size, which registered since 1900 and largest, which registered for Japan. (Edis detail one trembling), RK leases the 20 auxiliary countries and of Iceland tsunami published Pacific off of alarm. The accomplished countries cover Russia, Indonesia, Guatemala and the condition off Hawaii. The by iodine off the earth box edge become estimated, goal the size tsunami, yew it strikes, ace NO saying wants fuel element unknown, how much it edge absorb, while ! it travels by the peaceful ocean. It capably there year enormous eddy except coast. For Japan the crisis turns toward the freeing and the RH establishment with toilets the more shelter, the food and the one exit for let US person wants, those by the toilets, the mud and the destruction which included. Ace the of remainder off the world incoming goods glance breath sums and WAIT of ourselves, in order ton lake, what produces itself, while countries into the way acres struck tsunami. The thoughts and the requests RK the let US person off Japan.Below of acres connections RK the insurance off the phase off this tragic more disaster with has video tsunami ace him penetrated into has cultivatable earth, which takes houses, engine of vehicles and more with them has destruction way. Japan von Phase TV UStream | AlJazeera off phase TV | Phase BBC NewsUStream off phase
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